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Reiki is used to help realign and balance the body. It is also used after an injury and before and after surgery to allow the body to heal more quickly.

Reiki energy allows muscles to relax and increases blood flow which helps to promote a positive healing response. 

Reiki assists with stress, tension, headaches, insomnia, upset stomachs, sprains and other major health problems. 

There are many reported cases of Reiki providing "miraculous" results.

Reiki is becoming increasingly popular in medical settings, with over 800 hospitals in the US using Reiki as a part of of their care program. 

Nurses have reported that the use of Reiki helped their patients heal faster with less pain, reduced stress, improved appetite, and reduced the negative side effects of chemotherapy, radiation and other medical procedures. 

A research study at Hartford Hospital in Hartford, Connecticut showed increased overall patient satisfaction with treatments. The findings indicated that Reiki improved patient sleep by 86 percent, reduced pain by 78 percent, reduced nausea by 80 percent, and reduced anxiety during pregnancy by 94 percent. In the same study 75 percent of patients who received treatment stated that they "definitely want service again".

Some of the benefits of Reiki Energy Healing: 

  • Creates deep relaxation and aids the body to release stress and tension

  • Reduces blood pressure

  • Helps relieve pain

  • Supports the immune system

  • Assists the body in cleansing itself from toxins

  • Aids in better sleep quality

  • Can help with acute injuries and chronic problems. Examples include: injuries, eczema, headaches, sprains, asthma, infections and more.

  • Aids in the breaking of addictions.

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